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We encourage everyone to participate in Ministry Training Electives at 6:00pm on Sunday evenings, beginning February 2. This program is intended to equip believers with practical knowledge and skills to help them become all that God wants them to be. Sign up at the Welcome Center or on Breeze.



The Street Smarts Video Study, taught by Gregory Koukl, helps Christians better engage in productive conversations with those who challenge their convictions on a variety of issues. This video study focuses on revealing the fundamental flaws in common, current challenges to Christian beliefs and values. Through a modeling of sample questions and dialogues, participants learn how to implement individual strategies to expose those shortcomings.

Session 1 — Getting Ready for the Street
Session 2 — Questions Keep You Safe
Session 3 — Intel for Navigating the Street
Session 4 — Atheism: The Best Explanation for the Way Things Are?
Session 5 — Evil: Atheism’s Fatal Flaw
Session 6 — Jesus the Son, Christ the Savior
Session 7 — The Bible: Ancient Words, Ever True?
Session 8 — God: The Science Stopper? 


The first generation of believers embraced the idea of “church” in a way that impacted every aspect of their lives and empowered the gospel to spread far and wide. This six-session Bible study invites us to challenge our distinctions between “Sunday Church” and the rest of our lives, to go all in with our faith and commitment to church community, and to live the truly dynamic, impactful life God has always intended for Christians to live. Together includes video teaching from author Ben Mandrell.

Session 1 — Seeing God’s Vision

Session 2 — Relating as Family

Session 3 — Being Known and Loved

Session 4 — Living Generously

Session 5 — Reaching Beyond

Session 6 — Maintaining Unity


Lies Young Women Believe

This winter the teen girls will be continuing their study of Lies Young Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh. Nancy and Dannah expose 25 of the lies most commonly believed by today’s teen girls. They share real-life accounts from some of the young women they interviewed, along with honest stories about how they’ve overcome lies they themselves believed. They get down in the trenches of the battle with you. Best of all, they’ll show you how to be set free by the Truth.